Our current projects

Climate change montage
Core Project

Informing public health messaging on health and climate change

This project will investigate the potential of health and other framings to increase public engagement in climate change and support for action. Attention will be paid to those with low levels of trust in government, a target group for national and local policymakers seeking population-wide interventions to address the health impacts of climate change. Read more
cartoon group of people talking
Core Project

PPI implementation in Public Health Policy Research

There has been a normalisation of Public Patient Involvement (PPI) in public health research. However, there remains tension between expectations of how PPI will work and its implementation and impact in public health policy-facing research. This project aims to understand reasons for lack of acceptance and implementation of PPI and develop guidelines for its improvement. Read more
older couple in love
Responsive Project

Promoting sexual health in older adults

This will be a collaborative project delivered in partnership between the Older People and Frailty PRU and the Public Health PRU. The aim of this research is to provide an overview of existing evidence on sexual health needs and sexual health promotion in later life. Read more
Cycle superhighway
Core Project

Evidence Collections to inform public health and climate policies 

Climate change is bringing UK public health and climate policy closer together. The project’s aim is to contribute to a shared evidence base for integrated and equity-focused policies to promote population health and to respond to climate change. It will do this by producing a set of open-source Evidence Collections that fill key evidence gaps across the two policy fields and highlight interventions that benefit both the health of people and the planet.   Read more
Photo of IUD on someones hand
Responsive Project

Understanding the long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women’s access and attitudes to contraception in England

There is a need to understand current attitudes and experiences regarding access to various forms of contraception in the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and shifting landscape of service delivery. This project aims to examine women’s experiences (and barriers and facilitators) of accessing contraception services since the start of the pandemic, both for new users of contraception and those with prior experience, and to understand any inequalities of access. Read more
man in cold room
Core Project

Reducing lifestyle risk behaviours in disadvantaged groups: evidence synthesis (Phase 2)

England’s public health policy aims to combine overall improvements in population health with greater improvements among disadvantaged groups and communities. The most deprived areas of England have the lowest healthy life expectancy. After carrying out a scooping review this project aims to identify, ‘map’, and synthesise evidence on to reduce risk behaviours in disadvantaged groups and among people living in deprived areas. Read more
Picture of homeless man
Responsive Project

Learning from the ‘Everyone In’ approach to providing mental and physical health support (including substance misuse), and how this can be translated to future policy and practice

Across England, there is a manifesto commitment to end Rough Sleeping 2024, with a strategic focus on health. To protect those sleeping rough during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was the launch and implementation of the ‘Everyone In’ programme—the first national attempt at a coordinated offer of access to universal accommodation. This project provides an opportunity to understand the potential for improving integrated, multi-agency care and access to support for people experiencing rough sleeping, and lessons learned to inform future policy. Read more
happy children laying down in circle
Core Project

Addressing inequalities in ‘Children in Need’: A population linkage study to inform policy

This project aims to develop a better understanding of the drivers of inequalities in child welfare outcomes, and the subsequent consequences for health and education. It will deliver new evidence on pathways to inequalities in “Children in Need” (CiN), and will identify policy entry points, allowing the development of better policies to tackle inequalities in social care. Read more
man checking food nutrition label in supermarket
Core Project

Theorising and measuring intervention agency, and exploring relationships with intervention effectiveness, equity and acceptability

This project will develop theory concerning how agency is exerted and the different actors required for population interventions to achieve their effects. It will design a new tool to categorise population interventions based on the degree of agency required of all relevant actors, and apply it to systematically reviewed studies of population interventions for diet and physical activity. Read more